Thursday morning I called my doctor to tell him about some preterm labor symptoms I was experiencing, so he sent me to the hospital to get checked out. I'm not contracting & I'm not dilated...but I got a positive fetal fibronectin (fFN) test. If it had been negative I would've been sent home and back to regular activity, because a negative result means it's 99% sure I won't give birth within the next 2 weeks. A positive result is less useful information. From what I've learned over the last couple days, fFN is a protein that acts like a glue to keep the amniotic sac in place. If it shows up at this point in my pregnancy (32.5 weeks), it may mean that the glue is disintegrating ahead of schedule. From my reading, it sounds like most, or at least many, of women with positive fFN tests go on to deliver at full term. But there's a higher likelihood than if it had been negative.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
One more way this pregnancy is my hardest one...
Posted by rsmorrill at 1:56 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
David's Baptism
Well, it took longer than I intended (what doesn't?), but I finally got some pictures from David's Baptism day uploaded!
Posted by rsmorrill at 10:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: David
Thursday, January 6, 2011
David's Birthday!
I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions this year, since they always just end up making me feel guilty. BUT I did decide that I will be better about blogging, as it is the only journal-y kind of thing we have. I have several things from the end of last year to post about, and I'm not even going to really stress about getting them in order or anything. I'm trying to keep my expectations low in hopes of actually achieving them. :-)
So David's 8th birthday was November 17th. I was feeling too (lazy) tired to wrap his presents, so we put them all in bags. It sure made clean up easy! Here he is with his haul (another bonus of bag use - everything looks big!).David has been asking for this electronic Pokeball for a while, so Ryan got it for him. There was much excitement.

- David is very into Pokemon. Playing Pokemon games on his DS is probably his favorite way to spend free time.
- When not having "screen time," he usually builds with legos or trio in the playroom.
- Lately he's also been very interested in Origami, and is pretty good at it.
- He is an excellent reader, and I'm constantly struggling to find enough stuff for him to read. We actually have a difficulty that the stuff at his interest level is below his reading ability level, so he can blow through a chapter book (he really likes A to Z Mysteries right now) in an evening. He also really enjoys Pokemon books, especially the "fact" ones, and world record type books.
- David is doing much better in school this year, not getting in trouble anywhere near as often. He enjoys his once a week Excel class, except for the fact that he has to get up so early (I wake him up at 6:20, and his bus comes at 6:48. Other days his bus comes at 8:58, and I've only had to wake him up a couple times ever).
- David has recently discovered a talent in art, and has done some really good pencil drawings (mostly Pokemon, of course).
- He loves to eat fruit (This is nothing new, I caught him getting himself fruit out of the fridge at 1 year old), and is generally pretty happy with anything I make for dinner. When we go to a fast food place he orders a cheeseburger, ketchup & pickles only, and if we go out to eat he orders a pepperoni pizza if it's an option (cheeseburger if not).
- David is very excited to have a new baby brother, and loves to feel him kick. His second fast Sunday since turning 8 was a few days ago, and he told us that he fasted for the baby.
Posted by rsmorrill at 10:29 PM 1 comments
Labels: David