Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Katy's Lesson

About a year or two ago, our kids started to really like having Family Home Evening. We've been really consistent about having it since then (prior to that we probably hit about 50% on average, often going in cycles of several weeks having, several weeks forgetting).

We've discovered recently, also, that the kids, or Katy at least, care(s) a lot about following the usual order of things. A few weeks ago I tried to get by with skipping the conducting, opening song, prayer, kids singing individual songs, and lessons, and just have us play together on the Wii and have a treat. This did not count as Family Home Evening to them/her.

So, I'd had this little chart (yes, it's just a piece of baseboard with nails partway nailed in) partly done for a while, but I hadn't decided exactly how to do the little "icons." I had it in my head that I had to find cute graphics online and mod podge them on or something. Then a week or so ago I just grabbed my paint pens and free handed what you see above. Nothing spectacular, but it works!

Wow, I'm rambling. Day 5 of being stuck at home, and apparently I'm already losing my mind. 20 days to go...oh dear!

So I finally had this chart and all the name things done for last night's FHE. Ryan remembered that he had lead the music last week, so it was his turn for the opening prayer (yes, they've been moved along since last night...by whom, I don't know, I just noticed that when I took the picture!). So I conducted from my perch on the couch, David led us in singing a new song they're learning in primary (I've got to find it online, none of them know the tune very well and neither Dan or I know it), and Ryan said the opening prayer. Then the kids each took 2 turns singing a song to us.

Then it was time for the lesson. We often use a wonderful FHE binder that Great-Grandma Smith made for us a few years ago, and we also occasionally have the kids just pick a picture from the Life of Christ or Gospel Art Kit and tell us about it. But since I was stuck on the couch, and we were running low on time, I just told Katy it was her turn to give the lesson, and waited to see what she did. I don't know what I expected - probably "I don't know what to do!" or something. I certainly did NOT expect what happened!

Sweet, adorable, 3 1/2 year old Katy stood up at the front of the room and said "Don't fight." After a brief moment of surprise, Dan & I asked her some questions like "Why aren't we supposed to fight?" She elaborated nicely, and the boys added to the discussion...and it was the best lesson ever, in about 1 minute or less!

This morning while getting their breakfast, the boys started bugging each other (surprise!) a bit. Sweet little Katy piped up "Remember my lesson!"...and they actually stopped! A little while later, after Katy finished eating and was snuggling with me on the couch, she started bothering David. So I said "Don't forget your lesson!"...and once again, it worked! She stopped immediately!

Now, I have no illusions that all fighting will stop or anything. But it seems that for now, at least, Katy's simple lesson to not fight has actually made a difference! Go, Katy!


miriam said...

that is so precious! I hope Sidney grows up to be like Katy.

and it's a good thing you're having another baby so everyone gets a job for fhe!