Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring Break at Grandma & Grandpa's House!

The boys had spring break this year the first full week in April. Nathan was only 2.5 weeks old when they got out the Friday before, but I've never been one to slow down much "just" because I have a new baby. So as soon as school was out, I picked the boys up and headed to Grandma & Grandpa's house. I had planned on leaving earlier, but packing, just like everything else, takes longer when you have a little one. So we ended up hitting some traffic and having to stop to feed Nathan, but it wasn't all that bad.

The day after we arrived was General Conference. I had the kids come out and watch when President Monson spoke. Here's Ryan with Grandma & Grandpa.

And here's Katy with Aunt Hannah & Sadie. Sadie is a bit big to be a lap dog, but Molly is far bigger and tries sometimes too!

Monday, April 4th (Nathan is 3 weeks!) we went to the Pacific Science Center, specifically to see the cool Star Wars exhibit. While we were trying to get out the door I came across this scene - David & Ryan admiring their baby brother. It sure melts a mama's heart. :-)

3 week old Nathan, starting to lose the brand new look

All the Morrill kids at the Science Center.

And here they all are with R2-D2 and C-3PO. Nathan sure looks like he's enjoying it, huh?

Gotta go in the butterfly house! Every time we go at least one of the kids claims to not want to, but they always end up excited!

Here, some proof that I was there too!

Katy joined Nathan on the floor for tummy time. Awwww.

Ryan had an ENT appointment scheduled for later in the week, so we actually only stayed for part of Spring Break. The kids still managed to go in the hot tub a lot! Seriously, they were in there twice a day most days. Here's a picture of Molly's favorite thing to do while they're in there - drop a toy or rock in. Naughty pup.

Here's a shot of the kids looking, if not smiling.

One night I went to the rec room and found this. Sweet Katy had put this little doll to bed on the treadmill. Love that girl!

Nathan got to take a bath in the sink. He looks worried about it.

One of the other highlights of the trip was going to get new baby chicks! They were really, really cute! We picked out six of them - one for each person (except Nathan) that went to Del's. None of them are alive still. I haven't told the kids. Maybe by the time we go again I can just say they've grown up or something.

Well, this is quite the non-eloquent post. Oh well. At least I did it. And during my precious baby sleeping time too!