After doing "Lunchtime with the Morrills," it's only fitting that I continue the series. So, here's what church was like yesterday. Oh, and please excuse the blurry pictures. Apparently my lens was dirty. And it's a little bit scratched (Side note - I used to have the LG enV, then upgraded to the LG enV2 a couple months back. The enV had a lens cover, but the enV2 doesn't. It was the one change they made that didn't make sense to me, but I figured it wasn't a big deal. Within a couple weeks there was a big scratch right across it! Nice.).David was so cute yesterday! I wanted him to wear a nice shirt, and he chose white over green. Then I showed him his nice pants, and he opted for his suit pants. And he said he wanted to wear his suit coat as well! And later I came in to find him trying to put on his tie! Then he came out to the living room and asked Dan if he looked like a missionary. What a big guy!
Ryan wore more what I expected David to - the bare minimum I expected - a nice shirt and pants. Here he is playing with the Quiet Book that I made about 5 years ago. I found it recently in my unpacking, so it had some novelty yesterday that helped keep him entertained.
My beautiful, beautiful girl. Her daddy got her dressed yesterday, doesn't she look nice? Here she is coloring...
...and here's her picture! Can't tell what it is? It's "The temple! Katy! Mommy! Daddy! David! Ryan! The temple!"
Here's Dan successfully sleeping while sitting upright. I don't know how he doesn't fall over!
In contrast, here I am sitting reverently. Except for all the picture taking. And what is up with my hair? Apparently I am in need of some professional help.
Oh, yeah. Dan got to take Ryan home to change his pants. So. Gross. I figured out the other day that he started potty training exactly half his life ago - 2 years 4 months. This is what starting too early does! Don't do it!
David decided to move down the row, and I assumed he was coloring. Except he's moved on from coloring. Now he writes stories!
In case you can't read kindergartner, here's the interpretation:
"Hi, I'm Joe. Here is my dog Blue. I hope we have fun." Then he started drawing Blue, but it was time to go to Primary before he finished.
So that's an exciting, fun filled Sacrament Meeting with our family! Don't you wish you were there?
The Final Frontier
7 years ago
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