I took this picture this afternoon, with a load in the washer, a load in the dryer, and at least one more load waiting (our washing machine is smaller than any I've ever used before, and I'm continually amazed by how few items constitute a "load"). I don't even know how many loads are here. At least 5 or 6.
Then Katy had a minor blowout, which hasn't happened in a really long time. She must've had a really wet diaper that just couldn't handle anything else. So some more dirty clothes to wash.
Then I discovered that the dog had thrown up in her bed. It has a removable covering, so it's much better than having to clean the carpet or something. But it's just one more thing to wash. Oh, and Molly has thrown up like 5 times ever. Today was just our lucky day!
I made some progress on folding clothes, but then I had to take a break to go Visiting Teaching. And my companion wouldn't take the hint to stop talking. We were at the first place for the allotted 40 min, then at the second we stayed and stayed for an hour and a half! So...the laundry will have to wait. I didn't have it in me to get back to work when I finally made it home.
Oh, and earlier this evening Katy decided to help me break up the monotony of the laundry. If you ever start eating a granola bar and decide you just aren't in the mood to finish, Katy recommends crumbling it onto the windowsill. Apparently it's lots of fun!
The Final Frontier
7 years ago
Just to make you feel a little better....I will complain about the fact that I haven't had a washer and dryer for the past 3 years and spend $6.75 in quarters on laundry every week at the laundromat. That's like $1000 on laundry in 3 years, I just did the math.
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