Monday, April 26, 2010

An Adventure at the Zoo

The week before our Spring Break, I decided it would be a perfect day to go to the Zoo. David had a half day, so we could leave at 12:35, and still have lots of time. And it was a GORGEOUS day. Great idea, right?

Probably 1/2 a mile before the exit traffic completely stopped in the exit lane. And I suddenly remembered that the night before Dan hadn't had choir practice (he's in the Portland Mormon Choir). Because it was spring break for the Portland area schools.

Dun dun DUN

It was absolutely crazy packed. The parking lot was full, with no other options of parking on the road or something. So we drove slowly through the parking lot, hoping someone would leave. So did everyone else. It was insane. Finally, an hour and a half after leaving the school (should be a 35-40ish min drive), we happened to be the closest car to a spot someone was leaving!

So we finally got to the gates, waited in line, and found out that our passes, which are to a place in Ohio that is reciprocal with the AZA (zoos) and the ASTC (science & technology centers) recently started getting only got half off. Boo.

At this point, it's not looking good. We're all cranky from sitting in the car so long. I'm bugged that I have to pay half when I thought it'd be free. And there are a bazillion people.

Oh, and remember this post about the super cool birds that would land on us to drink nectar? Yeah...not so hungry after a day like they'd had. And certainly not hungry enough to fly onto kids' hands. The kids got the birds to drink a bit if they held it right up to them. After a while, though, I finally coaxed one onto my hand. And things started going more smoothly!

Despite the crowds, we were still able to see lots of animals. Everyone was especially excited about the penguins. The bats, zebras, and elephants were among the other favorites. By the time we left, I was really glad we went. It ended up being a nice, fun time!

Tried to get a group shot...didn't work out this time.

Kids love to climb around in this car looking out on the cheetah exhibit. Not sure why it's so fun, but they love it!

Here's a better group shot. At least we all look kind of happy. Oh, and I'm pretty sure Ryan is making that face on purpose. What a nut.