Sunday, December 21, 2008

Katy & the Nativity Scene

Here at my parents house we currently have 7 different Nativity scenes. 4 "normal," 1 Veggie Tale, 1 teeny tiny, and 1 from Peru I think. 1 of them is mine, the other 6 are my mom's. Oh, and there's a little Baby Jesus that isn't part of a full Nativity that I think someone must have made (it looks like it's made out of craft sticks). The set that is mine (one of the "normal" ones) is pretty sturdy and safe looking, so it's been living in the family room for the kids to play with. They hadn't been lately, so in the interest of having minimal stuff in here I decided to take it to the living room with the other 6. A little while later I found the Baby Jesus from my set hiding somewhere, and gave it to Katy. I told her to "Go put Baby Jesus away." Later this evening this is what I found:

Sweet little Kathryn had taken the Baby Jesus and put it where she thought it went, in another Nativity! And she'd also put the one that isn't part of a set with them as well. So three little Baby Jesuses were all together in one Nativity! Here she is being sweet & playing nicely with them. Girls are so different than boys! She's so much more gentle & loving. And she plays nicely with all the little Baby Jesuses! Oh, and the mess of pink and purple at the bottom is her baby, wrapped up in a blanky. Such a sweet little Mommy!