Friday, January 9, 2009

Stop It!

Katy, age 19 months, is getting to be a really good talker. It's nice that I had boys first, then a girl, so I can be all amazed at her talking. If it had been the other way around, I'd probably be really worried, because I'm pretty sure the boys were hardly saying anything at this age. So, I'm constantly hearing her say new words, and it's super cute & exciting. She's really good at repeating things, and, depending on her mood (who says the terrible twos can't start at 1.5?), she's really good at saying whatever you ask her to say. It's even more fun when she just randomly says something on her own. This morning, for example, she picked up a stuffed kangaroo (it's a dog toy, so I don't remember ever telling her what it was before), and said "kay-a-oooooooo!" And this morning when I asked her what she wanted to wear she told me "diapie." Which is good, because she often doesn't want to wear a diaper, she enjoys her nudity. I'm sure nobody in the entire world is quite as interested in & excited by her blooming vocabulary, but it's one of my favorite things these days!

The standard Katy words that she says every day are: yes, Mommy (or Mama), Daddy (or Dada), Bapa (Grandpa), Nana (Hannah), Da-id (David), Sadie (& yesterday started Molly as well when we picked her up from the vet), baby, puppy, kitty, candy (learning to talk during Halloween-Christmas time has clearly helped this one!), bye-bye, and da done (all done). Sadly, she doesn't really say anything for GrandMA (used to say Tata but stopped), and her word for Ryan is really just gibberish, and she only says it when I ask her. She's also good at calling people for "pi ta" (prayer time). And last night said "chuck e cheese!" over and over again as we drove up to it.

Missing from this list is one that probably every other toddler in the world says - "No!" I just considered asking her if she could say it, then thought better of it. I could live without the no-to-everything phase! However, if she can't say no, she has to have SOME way to communicating when she doesn't like something...

A couple days ago Katy was using the vacuum hose to clean up some rice she had spilled. Grandma tried to help her, and, loud and clear, Katy said "Stop it!" It was hillarious! She has said it many, many times in the time since then. Sometimes I even hear her practicing (just saying "stop it stop it stop it" over and over)! Sometimes it's really funny, sometimes not so much. Like last night when I tried to make her turn off the light to go to bed instead of stalling by pointing at things on the wall and she told me to stop it. Or this morning when I was trying to do her hair (notice in the video that it's just parted, no cute ponytails?). But I really am impressed by how quickly she is growing up and becoming her own person. My little baby can say "stop it!"


Bil said...

What a cutie!!